Friday, March 30, 2012

Fabulous Find Friday !!!

Okay while I wait for the rest of my online blogging life to kick in .. I bring you 


Now, I will be scouring the web looking around my favorite scrap places for kits that just stand out and deserve another look-see.  If I see something "fabulous" well .... I just have to share it !!

Here's who made the list this week !!!!  (all previews linked to website/store)

The first is "Dip Splatter and Roll" by Keystone Scraps.  Now, yes I used to be apart of Keystone Scraps ... but Paula really knocked this one out of the park.  It is super cute.  I have tons of pictures of my kids coloring eggs too.  Also perfect for scrapping all those pages of what the Easter Bunny hops on by to bring the kiddos !!!  You can either click on the kit preview below to be taken to the Keystone Scraps blog or head on over to their store at Scraps N Pieces and see what else you might like to purchase.

 Let's see what else I find in my Friday Find Goodie Bag !!!

Cute Frog Alert !!!

Chelle's Creations has an adorable kit called Toadally!  How clever !!!  Great for Springtime pictures and for those of you mom's who have sons that bring you special slimy leaping gifts on a warm spring day.  Not that it has ever happened to me ... LOL !!!

Also note there are paper stacks and doodles that coordinate with this kit to be purchased as well.

How about one more FIND ......

This adorable kit entitled Packing My Bags is from Adriana's Cafe.  I have the pleasure of being a guest for the month of April with her, and am about to embark on working with this kit.  I have tons of traveling to Disney pics to scrap with this.  And a trip coming up very soon .... so I will get lots of use out of it.  The color palette is wonderful with the more muted colors.  I just can't wait to use it.  Drop by either of Adriana's stores at  Scraps N Pieces or Stuff to Scrap and purchase this kit today.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Buzzzzzzzzzz !!!!

As you can see things are starting to clearly change around here.  I wanted to keep it simple at first.  I still have many things to add to these pages in the next few days/weeks ... so check back.

I will be "featuring" all kinds of interesting stuff on here as well.  Everything from tips, tutorials, daily life, random photos, to highlighting some amazing kits released into the digital world.  

I also have links to my Pinterest board (thanks Paula for the addiction) and my personal Twitter as well.  I will not link to my personal facebook page.  Maybe once things really get rolling around here I will have both a Twitter and Facebook page primarily for this blog.  We'll see ... I will add it to the list.

I am happy so far with what I have come up with ... hey, I even have a catchy little byline.  

I will also be offering up Free "bee's" here when the mood strikes me ... so keep an eye out for those.

Well .. that is all for now.  I just wanted to add a little intro into the new look of the blog.

Hope you BUZZ by again real soon!  (was that too cheesy?)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

A new look coming soon !!!!

I will be changing things up around here ... and adding some different things to my blog in the next few days.

I DO NOT dare write "blog under construction" ... I have OFFICIALLY turned off the
psycho magnet.

Like I said ........ my blog, my business!

Very excited with something new on the horizon ... and a clean blog. 

WOW I did some major housecleaning this morning !!!!

Can't wait to get started !!!

I will continue to be apart of the digi community (since there was some question about that from my last post).  I could never give up the creative side of myself ........... it is pretty much my life and my sanity.  But in addition to all the creative things I do ... there will also be that personal aspect of my life that I will share from time to time.  And I will also try my best to help promote my digi friends here as much as I can ... with links to great kits they release and awesome stuff you don't want to miss out on.

Stay tuned ..................