Welcome to another SNP Blog Train . . .
We are now into our second month of the new year already !!! WOW!!! Where does the time go? The groundhog saw his shadow at the beginning of the month (which means 6 more weeks of winter) and yesterday we celebrated Valentine's Day. In the meantime while we wait for the next holiday to arrive ... take a gander at what the participants did with the color pallet in this months blog train.
The moment I saw the colors I knew exactly what I wanted to do. I wanted to do something Disney/Aladdin inspired. It took a little while to get some of the elements drawn out to use, but it was well worth it in the end. And I love how it turned out. I've been thinking a lot about our vacation last June to Disney .... really missing our happy place. Or I could just be wishing I was there instead of here where it's been cold and snowy.
Be sure to visit all the stops along the way .... and give a big thank you to the wonderful people and their creativity that they have shared with us all.
Honeybees Creative Hive -- YOU ARE HERE
Here is what I have for you:
**If there are any download issues, please leave me a comment on my blog here, or a comment on my dropbox and I will get the download link fixed as soon as I can.**